Ahmed Adel Mohamed Zaki
Helwan Univeristy ,Egypt
Title: Effect of unacceptable quality rotogravure printing process on increasing the food waste application on polypropylene printing process
Biography: Ahmed Adel Mohamed Zaki
Every year around the globe 1.3 billion tonnes of food is lost or wasted, that is 1/3rd of all food produced for human consumption. It is now one of the points of interest in the whole world because it leads to environmental problems, famine and starvation. In fact there are many reasons of wastes one of them is printing problems, because a defectively printed package make the consumer avoid it and that lead to the end of the shelf life of products before consumption. Rotogravure printing is one of the best printing methods to print a high quality flexible packages and its benefit of mass production as well, but the question is how to produce a high quality printed flexible package. So, the aim of this research is to approach excellent machine parameters to produce a perfect flexible package. Six experiments on 6 different products of packed food snacks printed on Polypropylene 20 micron for each one of them with one parameter changed while all other machine parameters have been fixed and the parameters was machine speed, low depth of cell engraving, a switched off ESA (Electro Static Assist), low impress of impression cylinder, low impression of doctor-blade and finally the effect of low and high ink viscosity. Each changed parameter had a negative impact on printing quality but there is an exact number of each one of them which gives us an excellent quality with no printing defects nor colour shift and the printed sample as the same as the client approval sample.
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