Francesco Capecchiacci
University of Florence
Dr.Francesco Capecchiacci has graduated in Geological Sciences at the University of Florence, where he also completed the PhD in Earth Sciences. He currently works at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Florence as post doc research fellow and is also associated to National Research Council (CNR)-Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG) section of Florence.
Research Interest
Dr.Francesco currently involved in the development and application of spectrometric techniques using PICARRO G2201-i for the determination of δ13C isotope ratios in CO2 and CH4 in air and in fluids of natural systems. Engaged in the development of specific quality control techniques on food and medical gases, in relation to contamination from metallic and non-metallic species. Constant activity in the study of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in natural (volcanic, geothermal) and anthropic systems. Engaged in the development of sampling and analytical techniques for environmental studies related to air quality: atmospheric particulate matter and VOC in air. Prospecting activities in areas with geothermal potential and control of emissions from geothermal power plants. Work experience in national and international projects at Department of Earth Sciences - University of Florence and CNR-IGG of Florence.