Food Safety Assessment in Supply Chain

The food supply chain point to each link from primary production to consumption and operation order, includes that food and its accessories production, distribution, storage and processing (including in food production, the production of animal feed on, and the material may contact with food and raw materials production).The current studies of food supply chain mainly stay in from the Angle of the qualitative to analysis the risk factors, and puts forward some countermeasures to prevent or solve the risk. The food supply chain and the general industry supply chain is different, they think the food supply chain risk mainly includes the technology risk, information risk, coordination, quality safety risk, in order to strengthen the management of production source, to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products (food), mainly from the following five aspects: accelerate the process of agricultural standardization; implementation the whole process supervision of inputs, establish a product traceability system, and establish agricultural production operator self-discipline mechanism, establish a sound system of agricultural product quality safety risk assessment (food).

Maintaining food security has become unconditional when it comes to food trade and customer demand. The food put on the market has to be of good quality and safe for consumption, as well as not be a source of disease and infection. For this reason, securing food safety and quality is a matter of international significance and a responsibility of food producers and governments. During the process of distribution food products go through all stages of supply chain, i. e. all processes which describe how food travels from a farm to the consumers’ tables. The aim of this strategy, called "from the field to the table", is to achieve full supervision of food safety in the modern world, because the journey leading from food production to the consumer is very time-and space consuming. Along this journey, there are many dangers of food contamination, be it in the very production, during the transport, food storage, or food preparation. In order to enable food quality and sanitary safety of food products, companies have to follow legislations, standards and norms at every stage of supply chain. The aim of this paper is to show how food safety and quality is legally regulated during the distribution in the supply chain, and the ways in which companies ensure a certain high level of hygiene and temperature levels that different kinds of food products require.

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